
Online Freelancing – a solution to unemployment in Gaza

Amr sharing his experience in participating in the e-Lancer project at the occasion of a project visit.

Finding work and earning an income is a real challenge for young people in the Gaza Strip. Very high unemployment rates, poor infrastructures and travel restrictions are just some of the obstacles to gaining a foothold in the labour market. 28-year-old Amr Abu Taiba overcame these hurdles thanks to online freelancing.

After finishing his studies in Architectural Engineering and Building Engineering, Amr was trying to find work for almost 5 years – without success. “I suffered from depression and apathy”, he says. Until he came across an announcement about the e-lancer project at the University College of Applied Sciences Technology Incubator (UCASTI) and decided to register. “That was a turning point in my life”, he remembers. “At the incubator, I received assorted pieces of training in interior design and freelance work. This considerably widened my knowledge and experience in the major. Moreover, I got to know people and built relationships that helped me network and get my first job opportunity through my coach, who recommended me to an engineering company. After winning the first 200$ from freelance work, I pursued applying and got new jobs in architecture engineering and interior and exterior design.”

“I work a lot, but I am thrilled and satisfied. This is the level of productivity I was dreaming of, and it came true.”

Since he started the training in December 2021 earned enough to cover his cost of living, help his family and reinvest in his business by buying a laptop for example. He works as a freelancer on freelancing platforms and with a number of local companies in the Gaza Strip. “I work a lot, but I am thrilled and satisfied. This is the level of productivity I was dreaming of, and it came true. I am always ready to give back and support any person who needs help, especially at the beginning of their work journey, because I was in their place one day”, Amr concludes.

Amr participated in the project e-Lancer by UCASTI, funded by DROSOS FOUNDATION. After a successful pilot project in the West Bank to promote online freelancing as a sustainable income stream in the first place with another partner, DROSOS FOUNDATION pursues its commitment to online freelancing as a tool for Youth Economic Empowerment in Palestine, working with UCASTI. Apart from conducting training & coaching sessions for young people, UCASTI is now generating more awareness for online freelancing as an opportunity for income generation, training universities and professors on how to introduce online freelancing models to their students as well as building an online platform for freelancers.

e-Lancer addresses the high unemployment rates in Palestine and the political obstacles regarding movement and exporting, as well as the lack of local capability to provide new markets to Palestinian graduates and professionals.


e-Lancer report infographic