
Ftartchi Workshop

The Ftartchi Workshop aims to train and integrate 90 women from disadvantaged backgrounds or in vulnerable social situations in the professional catering sector. The project also works towards developing their abilities, which will help them become more self-confident and gain employment after they have completed their vocational training in the appropriate workplaces.

The project aims to integrate these women professionally in two main ways: employment at one of its restaurant partners or by providing support as they launch their own home-based microenterprise.

Because the project focuses on catering activities, it provides the women with an ideal location for training where not only can they deepen their learning, but also become financially independent. The innovative spirit of this project is reflected in its dual use of the project’s catering activities, as they generate revenue for the project as well as give the women actual hands-on experience after they have completed their theory training.

Partner: Association Patrimoine pour l’Économie Solidaire
Region: Tunisia - nationwide
Duration: 42 months
Current Status: completed