The imprisonment of a family member has consequences for the whole family. Poverty, shame and financial anxiety can cause some family members to go into denial about their situation and lie about their circumstances to their children and those around them. Studies show that an absence of contact with an imprisoned parent can lead to developmental problems in children and adolescents. This is where the partner organisation comes into play, by offering services for children and their families which have a positive effect on the bond between child, family and imprisoned parent.
Trained volunteers provide support for relatives and inform them about additional social services etc. as required. Children and adolescents meet with their imprisoned parent during creative workshops and spend time together accompanied by trained specialists. These interactions are designed to maintain the bond between children and their parents.
This project enhances the existing services offered in the Champ-Dollon prison in Geneva and expands the services to include four more cantons in the French-speaking region of Switzerland, so that a total of twelve prisons are involved. In the long term, the project will become financially sustainable with the help of government and private funding.
Children in the shadows – Supporting the families of prison inmates
Partner: Fondation Relais Enfants Parents
Region: French-speaking region of Switzerland
Duration: 6 years
Current Status: completed
Region: French-speaking region of Switzerland
Duration: 6 years
Current Status: completed