In Switzerland, young adults without vocational training are one of the groups most affected by unemployment and are the most vulnerable to recurring dependency on social assistance. Vo-cational training has proven to be an effective preventive measure. With “Future Vocational Training,” the partner organisation is implementing a project for the needs-oriented support of motivated young adults as they undertake basic vocational training. The mentoring is carried out methodically in accordance with the Supported Education ap-proach. It begins up to one year before the start of the apprenticeship and ends in most cases after the successful transfer from the first to the second year of apprenticeship, but can also last until successful completion. As such, the project actively contributes to the prevention of unemployment and welfare de-pendency among young adults.
“Future Vocational Training”
Partner: IPT Foundation
Region: Neuchâtel, Jura, Bernese Jura, Bieler Seeland, Valais and Ticino
Duration: 4 ½ years
Current Status: ongoing
Region: Neuchâtel, Jura, Bernese Jura, Bieler Seeland, Valais and Ticino
Duration: 4 ½ years
Current Status: ongoing