
Gröninger Bad – Young Media Productions Centre

For more than 20 years, the converted Gröninger Bad bathhouse in Saxony-Anhalt has been a place where children and young people can develop their musical and cinematic skills. The Young Media Productions Centre project enables children and young people to create their own complete music and film productions. The project gives them the opportunity to be musicians, actors, directors and film editors, as well as learn how to market their finished productions. The former bathhouse hosts a week-long festival every year where the bands and other artists can perform and the video productions are presented to a wide audience.
Gröninger Bad is a practical working environment for a range of different media. A cooperation is being established with the German public broadcaster Mitteldeutsche Rundfunk to enable participants to gain professional media experience. This will allow young people to develop a professional perspective and try their hand in this field during the project. In addition to the project work, Drosos Foundation will help the association develop its organisational structure in order to secure long-term funding for further educational activities after the conclusion of the project.

Partner: Aktion Musik e.V.
Region: Saxony-Anhalt
Duration: 5 years
Current Status: completed