

The world of employment is changing. While these changes are often mentioned in the same breath as job losses, they also offer opportunities for creative and innovative paths into the labour market. For over 30 years, Overall has provided a point of contact for people in tempo-rary employment. In the ‘wörking’ project, these daily wage structures are expanded and adapted to current developments. This provides an innovative opportunity to respond to changes in the labour market with the aim of supporting people in difficult life situations or with limited access to the labour market. ‘wörking’ helps also those young adults in challenging life situations to remain a part of the work process and to become integrated in a social structure. The beneficiaries can use the offer in a number of ways: to bridge the time up to the start of training, after dropping out of train-ing courses, during the job search or job finding process, for the implementation of their own business ideas, or as they take their first steps towards self-employment. The intention is for temporary work to become a socially recognised working model, thereby enabling young adults in challenging situations to earn their own income.

Partner: Overall
Website: www.wö
Region: Basel-Stadt
Duration: 3 years
Current Status: completed