
Supported Employment programme at Libelle restaurant

Libelle is a flourishing restaurant in Lucerne. In addition to being a meeting place for the residents of the Maihof district, it offers 23 places for unemployed people and recipients of social welfare benefits to receive training and gain qualifications. The restaurant and the associated work integration programme has been developing since 2013 as part of the Drosos project entitled ‘Libelle Restaurant – Labour Market Integration’. Both operations are commercially self-supporting.
The new Supported Employment programme perfectly complements the successful work integration programme by providing further individual support for newcomers. The aim is to increase the number of successful placements in the primary labour market and to enable newcomers to sustainably establish themselves in that market.
The core of the offering is a job coach who, after the placement of the newcomer in the primary market, provides support for the employer and newcomer to successfully develop a sustainable employment relationship.
This pilot project uses Libelle as a case study to test and measure the effectiveness of the Supported Employment programme in terms of labour market integration. If successful, the intention is to apply the approach to other projects.

Partner: Schweizerisches Arbeiterhilfswerk Zentralschweiz
Region: Lucerne
Duration: 3 years
Current Status: ongoing