
«Sors des sentiers battus – Think outside the box»

Young people who intend to earn a sustainable income must develop their own perspectives and envisage their professional future if they are to succeed. It may not always be possible to match their expectations in traditional employee relationships—this may be because what they want is not compatible with regular job profiles, they are restricted by their personal circumstances or because they have career aspirations that cannot be fulfilled through a regular apprenticeship or employment.

In such cases, they need to think outside of the box and find solutions that open up new ways of earning income, such as working as a freelancer, building up an alternative form of revenue, working on a commission basis, or starting their own company. By creating the «Sors des sentiers battus – Think outside the box» project, the IPT Foundation is setting up professional support services in French-speaking Switzerland to help young disadvantaged people successfully pursue these kinds of new avenues. The starting point is their potential and how they envisage their future career to be. On this basis, the IPT Foundation makes it possible for young people to actively and sustainably shape their professional future.

Partner: IPT Foundation
Region: Romandie
Duration: 4 years 3 months
Current Status: ongoing