In the eastern parts of Germany, young people experiencing difficulties related to where they come from are increasingly leaving school without any qualifications. There is significant evidence of a link between educational attainment and social upbringing or background. The ‘Show what you can do!’ programme provides support for 80 disadvantaged schoolchildren (60 in Schwerin, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and 20 in Neuruppin, Brandenburg) and helps them gain a vocational qualification. It relies heavily on cooperation with local business associations and the SchuleWirtschaft network.
The programme’s systematic management of the transition from school to training starts during the participant’s final two years of school and lasts until the end of the first year of their apprenticeship. The core elements are six-monthly training courses, supplemented by coaching and mentoring. These measures enable the participants to receive personalised support from qualified professionals for three years.
The programme is implemented in Schwerin and Neuruppin on an ongoing basis and led to a continuation of the programme through regional sponsors.
Show what you can do!
Partner: Stiftung der deutschen Wirtschaft
Region: Schwerin and Neuruppin
Duration: 5 years
Current Status: completed
Region: Schwerin and Neuruppin
Duration: 5 years
Current Status: completed