
Replicon 21

Replicon 21 aims to strengthen the role of creative and cultural activities by focusing on young people as agents of change for a more cohesive and resilient Tunisian society.

Through hands-on learning, the project will equip 246 young people with the training and support required to develop the right professional skills to secure jobs in the cultural sector. They will also learn more about cultural mediation and what it means to be involved in civil society so that they may play a part in the development of their community.

There will be classes in citizenship and collective action, as well as a series of lectures, in order to give young people and civil society the tools to act and make a difference using these artistic and social platforms.

By hosting writing workshops and developing artistic programmes aimed at empowering and informing participants about sustainable change, this work will provide support to young creators in Tunis and other regions. These projects will have a beneficial impact on communities by addressing social and political realities through artistic expression.

Partner: L’Art Rue
Region: Nationwide
Duration: 3 years
Current Status: ongoing