
Poultry raising by young women

In rural Aswan, poultry raising is a high priority, and as in other rural settings in Egypt, it is mainly the responsibility of women.  500 young women in Aswan, most of whom are the head of their own household, are improving their livelihoods by being integrated into the poultry value chain.
The local partner, the Agricultural Services and Development Foundation, provides these women with access to financial services and trains them in poultry farming to establish home-based poultry businesses. Additionally, the partner is creating a poultry-feeding unit to produce good-quality feed and sustain its work in the poultry sector, and it is establishing strong links with local actors and non-governmental organisations to backstop these young women. Finally, key players in the poultry value chain, such as the private sector, research institutes and governmental bodies, come together through annual networking and learning events to share their best practices.

Partner: Agricultural Services and Development Foundation (ASDF)
Region: Aswan
Duration: 3 years
Current Status: completed