
Participation, involvement and change for youth in the South of Lebanon

Building on the past achievements of the partner, this project aims to bring arts and culture further into marginalised areas of Southern Lebanon, enabling local youth to explore different forms of self-expression, to connect with other local groups in the region and to make use of arts-related opportunities, with the overarching aim of fostering social change in their communities.

Thereby, 400 children and youth are attending classes in theatre, cinema, photography, and drawing. 20 villages are reached though mobile outreach activities, which provide an opportunity for the discovery of arts, entertainment and collective creation in places that otherwise lack public spaces for cultural encounters. A «Culture and Arts Radio Network» is being set up for the live broadcast of activities. This will complement social media engagement and reach a broader audience. Alongside, 50 volunteers are being trained to further contribute to the life of the association and as part of wider organisational development goals. Four public festivals are being organised in Tyre on topics including the Arts, short films, women, monodrama and music.

Partner: Tiro Association for Arts (TAA)
Region: Tyre and Nabatiyeh
Duration: 3 years
Current Status: completed