Offers and services that support integration into the labour market are often targeted towards either an employment relationship or self-employment. This is where the Hub Neuchâtel is striking out in a new direction by establishing an offer for vocational retraining for disadvantaged young people with a greater need for mentoring that does not dictate the direction at the very outset. The decision as to whether the mentoring will result in self-employment, the founding of an own company or the commencement of a new and salaried position remains open to the participants. The partner is creating a space for people with difficult access to the labour market to discover their potential and to test out ideas.
This project is opening up access to the target group and deriving innovative and target group-oriented measures for the creation of a broader range of job opportunities. Through a consistent focus on the circular economy as well as cooperation and ecological and social sustainability, the project is making a contribution both to society and to the regional added value of the canton of Neuchâtel.