Cultural education opportunities have a positive effect on the development of personal skills and social competencies of young people. However, there is a lack of practically applicable tools for demonstrating precisely how such opportunities function and the specific skills that they help to build. In a pilot context, this project is developing the structure for a digital application for the intuitive and low-threshold reflection and illustration of skills acquisition in cultural education programs. The aim thereby is to enable participating young people to recognise and consolidate their skills acquisition as well as to make this visible to third parties. Alongside, the foundations are laid for the establishment of a social enterprise, which in a second step will develop the instrument into a financially sustainable and enduring broad-scale application.
Partner: Eduventis – Bildung erleben e.V.
Region: Central Germany
Duration: 1 ½ years
Current Status: completed
Region: Central Germany
Duration: 1 ½ years
Current Status: completed