
Contextualising and Enterprising Dance

In Lebanon, as in many other countries, independent artists often struggle to find financial security. Therefore, to explore alternative sources of income, the project creates new financial opportunities within the dance sector in Lebanon, by strengthening business and entrepreneurial skills, and building professional collaborations between performers and the private sector. During the project, 36 professional dancers design artistic quality products / services that are commercially viable, and can be sold to a wide variety of sectors. Additionally, 300 professionals in the dance sector acquire skills in how to strengthen the social and economic value of their work through entrepreneurship, audience building, and transferring skills to alternative professional sectors. The project also develops an innovative institutional business model for self-sustainability that merges the fields of business, entrepreneurship, and performing arts, and paves the way for new financial models to be applied by artistic institutions in the country and the region.

Partner: Yaraqa
Region: Mount Lebanon
Duration: 4 years
Current Status: completed