
Founding initiative “AngerWERK”

The city of Angermünde (Brandenburg) is characterized by a rural environment, an overaged population and a concerning exodus of young people, caused by the limited economic and professional perspectives in the region. The exodus takes away the potential for dynamic impulses that could in turn revitalize business and society.
The «AngerWERK – Centre for Social Entrepreneurship, Socio-Ecological Transformation and Regional Engagement» is a newly established lab for social entrepreneurs in Angermünde. It aims to break this vicious circle and sustainably develop a relevant infrastructure for social entrepreneurial education, qualification and networking. The goal is to improve the prospects for young people from the region and to increase the potential for a social-ecological transformation. DROSOS FOUNDATION previously supported the partner with capacity building in the framework programme Kulturhanse. With this project, the goal is to develop and implement a sustainable business model, establish a resilient organisational structure and enhance programs and formats.

Partner: WABE Odertal e.V.
Region: Angermünde (Brandenburg), Germany
Duration: 3 years
Current Status: ongoing