
Ears at Work

«Ears at Work» offers young people who have not yet secured a vocational apprenticeship, an alternative approach to the world of work. 120 young people get the opportunity to visit companies and look at their potential line of work from a creative and artistic point of view. With the support of professional artists, they record their own instrumental piece to reproduce sounds that are representative of their chosen profession.

This gives young people insights and contacts in the world of work whilst enhancing their professional skills and the competences for their future. This contributes to strengthening their employability. By working with institutions outside of an academic setting, young people experience ways in which they can develop further either on their own or with the support of artists.

It is planned to extend this project to several cantons and to ensure that the participating vocational institutions are able to include and implement its services in their existing structures in a sustainable manner.

Partner: Verein Zuhören Schweiz
Region: German-speaking Switzerland
Duration: 3 ½ years
Current Status: completed