Ears at work opens up access to the world of work for adolescents who are yet to succeed in the apprenticeship system as well as those in difficult conditions. 40 young people from rural areas and with an interest in craft-related and technical occupations can get to grips with the professional world. In several workshops with creators (coaches), they are assisted in the development of their own video or audio piece that reflects the specific company and gives a picture of the respective career. The aim throughout is to boost the self-efficacy as well as technical skills of the adolescents and ultimately help them gain a professional perspective and direction. After the completion of the workshops, all participants have the opportunity to work on another artistic project with their coaches. The project will start by testing two school-based offers and one extracurricular offer. Alongside, a follow-up project aimed at scaling-up the offer to other rural regions is being developed.
Ears at Work
Partner: Verein Zuhören Schweiz
Website: www.zuhoeren-schweiz.ch
Region: Basel, German-speaking Switzerland
Duration: 1 ½ years
Current Status: completed
Website: www.zuhoeren-schweiz.ch
Region: Basel, German-speaking Switzerland
Duration: 1 ½ years
Current Status: completed