
Creative Lab for young people

The Creative Lab for young people unites art and science. It will be a meeting place where young people, artists and scientists can come together. In five different modules that take place weekly, in creative camps and at an evening event, young people aged between 12 and 20 years old will receive long-term support to try out new things, think critically and start their own projects.

More than 50% of the participants come from an uneducated background. This project aims to prepare young people for new kinds of work that will become common in the future. In addition to learning technical skills, they will be encouraged to act responsibly and use their own knowledge and abilities. The Creative Lab also offers internships for art teachers and social workers. The creative workshop activities are provided as open access resources for art education and knowledge transfer. After the project is completed, the Creative Lab will be integrated into Zurich’s upcoming Natural History Museum.

Partner: Zürich-Basel Plant Science Center
Region: Zurich, German-speaking region of Switzerland
Duration: 4 years
Current Status: completed