Through a previous pilot project, DROSOS FOUNDATION has established a strategic partnership with ALEXBANK to enable the social enterprise, Thaat, to set up a design hub in the Red Sea governorate. This strategic partnership founded a creative entrepreneurship model in the south of Egypt for improving design and quality of handmade textile products. It created employment opportunities for 80 women from Safaga and Alqusir, two underserved communities; and upskilled a cadre of craftswomen to produce highly finished products. Bagaweet, (meaning the language of the south), is the newly established and marketable brand leading to improved decent sustainable source of income for female handcrafters. In this project, Bagaweet is scaled to support the social enterprise market growth, expand the scope of vocational training and employment for women, generate enough revenue from sales and focus on the efficiency of the value chain investment.
Bagaweet II
Partner: Thaat Social Enterprise
Region: Egypt, Red Sea Governorate
Duration: 3 years
Current Status: ongoing
Region: Egypt, Red Sea Governorate
Duration: 3 years
Current Status: ongoing