The main objective of the project is to contribute to the socio-professional integration of young people and strengthen access to quality healthcare in Morocco.
The number of young people classified as NEETs (young people aged 15 to 24 not in education, employment or training) keeps to be very high in Morocco. At the same time, Morocco’s elderly population is growing. Traditionally, Moroccan families cared for the elderly within the family circle, but high urbanization rates and more women entering the labour market challenge this model in favour of nuclear families. As a result, life auxiliary and home help professions are projected to be in demand and could be promising career options for young people. Currently, there is a lack of qualified professionals to respond to this demand. This project is addressing these challenges by promoting the integration of young people through vocational training in the personal care sector and through increasing visibility, accreditation, and public recognition of personal care professions.
It expects to achieve the following results:
- 500 young people between the ages of 18 and 30 trained and supported in their socio-professional integration;
- 50 professionals trained and strengthened in their support practices for NEETs;
- 5 vocational training institutions benefit from trained personnel and networking with IECD’s partners.