Data protection

DROSOS FOUNDATION takes the protection of your personal data very seriously. DROSOS FOUNDATION treats your personal data confidentially and according to relevant data protection laws and this privacy statement.
If you submit personal data to DROSOS FOUNDATION via this website, per e-mail or other channels, (e.g. name, address or e-mail address) these will be treated according to this privacy statement. We collect and/or process personal data in the context of a relationship or collaboration between DROSOS FOUNDATION and you or your company as required for the handling of this relationship/collaboration, and possibly for other purposes, subject to a legal basis or your prior approval.
DROSOS FOUNDATION would like to highlight that the data transfer via internet (e.g. when communicating per e-mail) may be subject to security gaps and that, in communicating with us, a complete protection of your data from third party access cannot be guaranteed.

Purpose of the data processing
DROSOS FOUNDATION processes those personal data which you transmit to DROSOS FOUNDATION via this website, per e-mail or other channels primarily to handle applications to jobs published on this website, registrations for events, applications to join our expert pool, and for mailing of newsletters and other information, which you would like to receive from DROSOS FOUNDATION as well as for possible other purposes, for which you have transmitted your data to DROSOS FOUNDATION. This includes, for example, personal data that you provide to us in connection with you and/or your company/organisation/employer in relation to an existing or potential collaboration.

Extent of the data processing
DROSOS FOUNDATION saves and processes those personal data, which you have transmitted to DROSOS FOUNDATION for the above-mentioned purposes, especially name, phone number, address, e-mail as well as other information DROSOS needs to fulfill these purposes. If you provide further personal information to DROSOS FOUNDATION, this information will only be saved and processed as deemed necessary in connection with your request or the collaboration.
Technical operational data, e.g. IP addresses, logs, system logs, are processed according to the specific regulations in this privacy statement.

Lawfulness of data processing
The processing of your above-mentioned personal data is limited to the data needed to fulfill the purpose for which they were transmitted. Therefore, DROSOS FOUNDATION considers this processing to be lawful in line with relevant data protection regulations.

Location of data storage
DROSOS FOUNDATION stores your personal data in Switzerland. Should DROSOS FOUNDATION transmit your personal data to an external data processor who processes the data on behalf of DROSOS for the purposes mentioned afore, DROSOS FOUNDATION will impose on this provider the necessary data protection obligations.

Data security
DROSOS FOUNDATION has implemented technical and organisational measures in order to ensure the appropriate security of the personal data it processes.
This website uses an SSL encryption for security reasons and to protect the transmission of confidential content, e.g. requests which you direct to DROSOS FOUNDATION as the website operator. You will recognise an SSL encryption by the fact that the address line of the browser switches from «http://» to «https://» and the lock sign appears in the status bar of your browser line. If the SSL encryption is activated, the data which you are transmitting to DROSOS FOUNDATION cannot be read by any third party.

Duration of the storage of personal data
DROSOS FOUNDATION processes and stores your personal data as long as it is necessary for the processing of the intended purposes, including the relevant legal data storage requirements and periods. As soon as your personal data are no longer required for the above mentioned purposes, they are deleted or anonymised as a matter of principle and as far as possible.

Right of access, deletion, blocking
You always have the right to be informed regarding your personal data stored by DROSOS FOUNDATION, their origin and recipients and the purpose of data processing. Subject to relevant conditions being met, you also have the right that your data are rectified, restricted, transmitted (data portability) or erased.
You may always contact DROSOS FOUNDATION on this matter and any further questions you may have by sending an e-mail to Each person concerned is furthermore entitled to legally enforce his/her rights or file a complaint with the competent data protection authority. The competent data protection authority in Switzerland is the Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner. (

This website uses partially so-called cookies. Cookies are harmless to your computer and do not contain any viruses. Cookies serve to make the provision of the DROSOS FOUNDATION website more user friendly, more effective and safer. Cookies are small text files, which are stored on your computer and which are saved by your browser. Most of the cookies, which are used by DROSOS FOUNDATION are so-called «session-cookies». They are automatically deleted after your session. Other cookies remain stored on your computer until you delete them. These cookies facilitate the recognition of your browser at the next visit of the website. You can configure your browser so as to be informed about the placement of cookies, to allow cookies only in individual cases, to reject the acceptance of cookies in certain cases or in general, as well as to activate the automatic deletion of cookies when closing the browser. However, the deactivation of cookies may restrict the functionality of this website.

Hosting Provider & Server Log Files
The provider of this website automatically collects and stores information in the so-called server log files, which your browser transmits automatically to DROSOS FOUNDATION. These are:

• IP address
• browser type and browser version
• operating system used
• referrer URL
• host name of the accessing computer
• time of server inquiry

These data cannot be directly associated with a particular person. A collation of data with other sources of data is not made. DROSOS FOUNDATION reserves the right to examine these data afterwards, if DROSOS FOUNDATION has actual indications of illegal usage. These data as well as all other data of this website are stored with the hosting provider METANET AG, Hardstrasse 235, CH-8005 Zürich. You find their privacy statement here: find here.

Third party services for this website
This website uses third party services in order to provide a durable, user-friendly, secure and reliable service. Such services are also used, among other things, to enable content to be integrated into this website. The services may be located outside Switzerland and the European Economic Area (EEA), provided that adequate data protection is guaranteed. For their own security, statistical or technical purposes, these services may also process data in aggregated, anonymised or pseudonymised form. To enable the functionality of such services, a cookie is often used, which you can deactivate or delete again in the browser.

Google Maps, Google Fonts, Google CDN, Youtube Videos
This website uses Google Maps API to visually display geographical information. When using Google Maps, Google also collects, processes and uses data about visitors’ use of the map functions.

Google Fonts are used in order to use various fonts on the website.

Google CDN ( Cloud Delivery Networks) are used to load certain external scripts for the functionality and better usability of the website.

Youtube videos are embedded in the website to enable the direct playback of audiovisual media.

You can find more information about data processing by Google in the Google privacy policy. There you can also change your personal data protection settings in the data protection centre. Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA.

You can also prevent the collection of data generated by the cookie and related to your use of the website (including your IP address) by Google and the processing of this data by Google by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available under the following link: download and install.

Vimeo videos
This website uses Vimeo videos to enable direct playback of audiovisual media. You can find more information about data processing by Vimeo in the Vimeo privacy policy. The exact contact for data protection at Vimeo can be found on the Vimeo website. Inc, New York, New York 10001, USA.

Social media
On our website you will find links or plug-ins to various social networks (such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.). Clicking on the links opens the corresponding social media pages to which this data protection declaration does not apply. The provisions that apply there can be found in the data protection policy posted on the respective provider’s website.
Personal information is not transmitted to the social media provider until you click on a link or plugin. By accessing the linked site, you are allowing the provider to process your data. We have no influence over such data processing, nor do we have information about the extent of data collection, the purposes for which the data are processed, or the retention period. We have no information about the deletion of data by the plugin provider.

Updating and validity of this data protection declaration
We reserve the right to amend or supplement this policy at any time, as we see fit and in accordance with data protection law. Please consult this policy on a regular basis.